Tuesday, December 2, 2008


As many of you might have read USC coach Pete Carroll has told the NCAA he would forfeit 2 timeouts for his RIVALRY game against UCLA in order to wear HOME colors at the Rose Bowl.

Carroll says it would be an excellent tradition.

To that i say, hooray for Pete Carroll... for letting UCLA know that theres no football game in LA that USC should not be considered a home team even if its cross city rival. In a sense it's an excellent idea throw some log into an already bitter feud. It's no Georgia vs. Florida rivalry, but hey you get the sense Caroll and staff are trying to establish USC as a place not only of dominance and legends but that of INTENSE rivalries, fire up the PAC-10 so it can get more credibility than the many other conferences as the SEC, BIG 10 and the BIG 12.

lets just hope his idea doesn't back fire, and he needs the timeouts when it matters.

not likely!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Personally i think this is a great ad. It reaches out to male clients. Most women dont enjoy a cold one (the keepers do) ...this one captivates the imagination of males.


Thursday, October 23, 2008



+++this country has been led to the brink of depression., war.through...wrong decisions, greed, no focus on the issues and the elimination of the middle class..

yet for all who will endorse the republican ticket...

will endorse the same party that led us to this current situation

the bush cheney administration did this to us....we all know that

why? greed...and the need for power...


read..: ++++abuse in power, and spending an excess of money when the economy is struggling...hmmm interesting...FOUL PLAY?

Second abuse-of-power investigation into Alaska Gov.
Sarah Palin's

Confidential records will be shared in new Palin probe
UNANIMOUS: Panel gives independent counsel access.

A legislative panel agreed Thursday to share confidential personnel records with the lawyer who is leading a second abuse-of-power investigation into Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's firing of her public safety commissioner. The Legislative Council voted unanimously to provide the confidential documents to the Personnel Board's independent counsel, Tim Petumenos, who is investigating Palin's firing of Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan.

Petumenos did not attend the brief session in Anchorage on Thursday and did not return a telephone call seeking comment.

Last week, an investigator for the Legislative Council found that Palin was within her right to fire Monegan but had violated ethics laws by trying to get her former brother-in-law, a state trooper, fired.

The probe began before Palin became the GOP vice presidential nominee, but it has taken on broader political implications since then.

Palin originally agreed to cooperate with the Legislature's investigation. But after becoming John McCain's running mate, she said the probe had become too partisan and filed a complaint against herself with the Personnel Board, saying it has the proper authority to investigate ethics allegations against the governor.

Democratic state Sen. Kim Elton, chairman of the Legislative Council, said it was important to share the confidential information to ensure that critical data was not segregated. The council published its findings last week but not the confidential matter.

"I can't speak to whether it will speed up Mr. Petumenos' investigation," Elton said. "I do have to believe that the public component of the report contains most of the information that is pertinent, but conclusions that were drawn in volume one -- the public component -- are backed up by some of the material that has to remain confidential by law.

Under the agreement, neither Petumenos nor the Personnel Board are allowed to reveal contents of the confidential documents without approval from the Legislative Council. That last-minute condition bothered Republican state Rep. Bill Stoltze, who participated by teleconference but didn't vote.

"I just thought we shouldn't put another restriction of confidentiality on this thing," Stoltze told The Associated Press after the meeting. "I thought it was unnecessary and it put out the perception that we're trying to create yet another barrier to public access.

A report by Stephen Branchflower, the council's investigator, concluded that Palin unlawfully abused her power by trying to have her former brother-in-law fired, but it was largely toothless. State lawmakers have no authority to sanction Palin for ethical misconduct. That's up to the three-member Personnel Board, which is appointed by the governor.

Two members are holdovers from the previous governor and Palin reappointed the third.

Members of the board can be fired by the governor for cause.

Republicans Spent $150,000 on Sarah Palin's Wardrobe

Sarah Palin's sharp looks on the campaign trail come at a price: more than $150,000 on clothing and accessories from high-end department stores since the Alaska governor was the surprise pick by John McCain to be his running mate, records reveal.

Financial disclosure statements documented by Politico. com show the retail outlay for Palin and her family since early September included a $75,062.63 expenditure at a Minneapolis Neiman Marcus and shopping trips to Saks Fifth Avenue in St. Louis and New York that resulted in a combined tab of $49,425.74, all paid by the Republican National Committee.

Hair and makeup accounted for another $4,716.49 billed to the RNC in September, with no such costs reported in August. (October expenditures will not be made public until after the Nov. 4 national election.

Raised Eyebrows
The disclosures raised eyebrows even on the other side of the Atlantic, including in The Times of London, published by Rupert Murdoch, whose News America holdings include the conservative FOX News.

Republicans Spent $150,000 on Sarah Palin's Wardrobe| 2008 Presidential Elections, Sarah Palin
The paper notes that Palin appears not to have been photographed in the same outfit twice during the campaign and suggests that "First Dude" Todd Palin may have benefited from a recorded $5,000 outlay at the upscale men's boutique Atelier.

In a statement sent to many mainstream media outlets, spokesperson for the John McCain and Sarah Palin campaign, Tracey Schmitt, said: "With all of the important issues facing the country right now, it's remarkable that we're spending time talking about pantsuits and blouses. It was always the intent that the clothing go to a charitable purpose after the campaign.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

paul dateh is god


simple as that. props to the homie paul dateh.

Friday, September 19, 2008





Wednesday, August 20, 2008

"He plots shows like robberies. In and out. One, two, three, no bodies please"

"He plots shows like robberies. In and out. One, two, three, no bodies is please" a verse from the classic "ONE BEER". However at the recent San Bernardino stop of the Rock The Bells tour Supposedly, MF Doom took the stage and appeared to lip-sync some tracks before angry fans screamed “Bullshit!” and launching things onto the stage, causing the mask man to leave the stage. Reports have it, this isn't the first time, and has occurred more frequently recently....

So i guess, MF Doom is real to his fans, PLOTS SHOWS LIKE ROBBERIES in and out one two three, no body is pleased...

who can blame him..."What the devil? He's on another levelIt's a word! No, a name! MF - the super-villain!"